Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Getting the future back


WTF ??  It’s like whoever wrote this doesn’t understand English or the meaning of words.

“Next Saturday night, we're sending you back to the future” is a cute line from a fun, sci fi  movie of the 1980’s.  The premise being time travel.  The hero is transported a few decades from his present, into the past.

We measure time in the sun’s passage across the heavens and the seasons’ change as we circle the sun.

We are in the present and if we knew the future, we wouldn’t go there.  Hence the popularity of fortune tellers.

Where’s the future supposed to have gone that they’ll get it back ??  We have enough difficulty understanding the past without dumping the future there and trying to retrieve it.

“Get Britain’s future back” is a meaningless jumble of words.  It reinforces my opinion that someone tells the Labour Leader something but he doesn’t understand it and so repeats it as nonsense.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Missions Statement


WTF is it with Starmer that he comes out with stuff like, he’s got Five Missions ??

A man may have a mission,  e.g. “Your mission, should you choose to accept it ....”
Or,  “We’re here on a mission from God.”  But he can only have one.  It makes no sense otherwise.

If you have more than one mission it’s because you are an institution, such as a  Church bringing the true faith to the heathen.  (i.e. the moral justification of the conqueror.)  That’s why California has twenty-one “Missions”.
But an individual only has one mission at a time.

Dunno if the guy is plain witless, or ignorant of his own language and culture. 
Whatever, he comes across at best as an ass.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

The Strong and the Weak


Suppose, just suppose, that a strong state lay next to a weak state.  The strong state attacked the weak state, annexing its territory and interning its population in a camp.
Time passes and the strong state begins to build settlements in its acquired territory.

The internees witness this and protest they should be allowed to return to live on their land.  Their protests are ignored by the strong state.

More time passes and the internees see more development and settlement of their land.  They become louder in their protests and begin a campaign of weekly going to the fence which holds them in and demonstrating.  They appeal that the laws between nations prohibit their internment and settlement on their lands.
The strong state responds by stationing its army around the fence and taking pot shots at the protesters.  No other nation intervenes.

Over 21 months,  220 demonstrators are killed.  More than ten times that number have gunshot wounds.
It becomes plain to the dispossessed that peaceful protest is not getting them anywhere.
They will have to seek another strategy.

That, I propose, is why almost four years after the Great March of Return, the Al Aqsa Flood occurred.