Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Election 2024

The strife is o'er, the battle done.

The result
Lab  412
Con 121
Lib    72

Others 45  including 5 for Reform and 4 Greens.

Labour's effective majority  157

Turnout was low at a fraction under 60%.  Labour got 34% of the vote.
So we can ball park it at 20% of the total electorate (i.e. adults) voted for them.  And probably more in anger than enthusiasm.

The Conservative and Reform votes added together make a sum greater than Labour's vote.
The next Conservative leader should have something to ponder there.

We now have a One Party State.

Over the last four years, the Labour Party leadership has become totalitarian.  The Party as it was is no more.  All reference to socialism has been purged as has the membership who advocated it.
Party policy and structure has been top led and rigid. There is no place for dissent.
It has sought funding from big finance rather than its members and trade unions.

It is also out of touch with the plain folks, who see Parliament as detached from them.  One of the reasons for the low turnout, "there's no one to vote for".

People are edgy.  They've had a long time of deteriorating standards, both indoors and out.  I foresee trouble on the streets this autumn, if the weather is fine, or in the New Year.

The inequities of the FPTP system have been glaring for a long time.  This election has shown that the 2nd and 3rd Parties combined have more support than the Governing Party.  Which latter has a majority that makes them irrelelvant.

Yeah, we live in a One Party State.  The leader of the Party displays the characteristics of a fascist but otherwise seems clueless.  His Chancellor appears incapable of arithmetic.
After 4 years of this, any Party that can put up 600 candidates on a platform of bringing in Proportional Representation within 3 years of election,  looks to be on a winner.

General Election 2024 Results

I was taken by surprise (obv) at the outbreak of rioting less than a month after the Election.  Shows what a tinderbox the place is at the mo.

Starmer continues with his grinding of the populace.  He cannot appear in public without receiving a barrage of abuse.
I recall his wife was upset, finding the pavement in front of their house covered in children's shoes.  A demonstration by pro-Palestinian protesters.   She's gonna be even more upset by the names they are called when they appear before the public.

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